Thursday, January 12, 2012

That Ah-Ha Moment!

I love the book of Job!  I can really relate to that guy.  As a matter of fact when my first husband Rob was dealing with cancer, we compared ourselves to Job a lot.  One of Rob's favorite sayings was, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."  Kind of a hard concept to wrap your head around, but what a creed to live by.

I was reading in Job the other day.  Job 42:1-6....I am reading in the New Living Translation and verse 5 says this...(Job speaking)...."I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes".  I called this in my journal...the Ah-Ha moment.  That moment when you stop hearing about how GREAT God is and you see it for yourself.

So what is your Ah-Ha moment?  I've had several.  I think the greatest one for me however came on September 28, 2001 at 2:20 AM in the morning.  It was then that the drugs from my emergency
c-section had worn off, then that the Doctor's declared my little Rosebud okay and I held her for the very first time, my miracle baby girl.  When the promise that God gave you comes to pass you can't help but have that Ah-Ha moment. 

But I could also tell you that I sometimes have that Ah-Ha Moment when I look at His creation.  When I see the stars...or yes, hear the rolling thunder!  I thank HIM for my Ah-Ha moments when they come.  I am anxious for that wonderful Ah-Ha moment, "when my faith shall be my sight", and I shall behold HIM face to face. 

Just loving you more today Father...than I did yesterday.


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