Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Angels Among Us

I am sure you are like me and you have heard someone tell you that they have seen an angel.  I've heard of angels saving lives, encouraging individuals and bringing revelation to some, but I had never heard of angels that showed up at a funeral.  Well...this is my story...and I know it happened because I was there.  

My first love and my first husband Rob died after only four years of marriage.  I was devastated to say the least.  A widow at 31 with no children, just memories of an incredible man of God, an unbelievable love story.  The last year of our marriage we had spent more days in the hospital than out of it trying to fight the cancer that was ravishing his body.  

When he finally passed away from this horrible disease I didn't quite know how to react.  Should I rejoice that his battle was over and he was walking on streets of gold, or should I cry hysterically for what I had lost.  The battle had been so long and tiring for both of us.  We had been living in Virginia at the time.  My family all lived north of us in Maine. His family all lived south of us in Florida.  So most of the time we were alone and all of the care had fallen to me.  Physically I was exhausted.  I let my mother take over the arrangements for his funeral, adding my two cents only when I had to.  I knew that Rob was at peace finally, and down deep I knew that I couldn't fall to pieces in my grief.  

Rob had fought his last battle so valiantly and I was so proud of him.  He had never lost his faith in God.  He had proven himself to be a true soldier of the cross.  I nearly lost it at the viewing.  Seeing him there in that silver casket with his dress blue Marine Corps uniform on, so silent, so still. Somehow I held it together that night.  I heard people whispering, wondering how I could be so strong.  I wondered myself most of the time.  I knew however that his funeral would be a different story.  

The same pastor who had married us just a few years before would be leading his funeral.  Several of Rob's Marine Corps band members made the journey to Maine in January to be there for me and to honor his memory.  I knew it would be hard to see them.  I remember sitting on the front row that day.  My father sitting beside me his arm around me.  My four brothers sitting on the next pew over as pall bearers.  Shock was still in their eyes that this could happen to their sister.  Shock and I have to say anger too.  I was the last one of us to get married, and I wasn't the youngest either.  My younger brother had married two years before Rob and I.  Yet now I faced an unknown life.  

The praise team from Rob's church began singing and I felt so much peace in the songs.  I even stood at one time, hands held up to heaven worshiping God and in my heart saying, "God I have NO clue what you are doing, but I will trust you!".  The words our pastor spoke brought laughter, tears and comfort to me.  I had recorded a message through my tears just minutes before the service and I held it together as I heard myself speak over this amazing man.  Then it was time for Rob to have his part in his own funeral.  

Rob was an incredibly talented and gifted musician.  Those last few months of his life he was most often found in our upstairs guest/music room recording albums of his own music and the hymns he loved so much.  It only seemed fitting to me that Rob play his trumpet one last time.  As the haunting sounds of his trumpet began to play "Amazing Grace", I lost it.  The tears I had been able to hold at bay for so long came streaming down my face and I bowed my head in defeat.  That's when something simply amazing happened to me.  

I felt another presence next to me, but that was impossible.  On the other side of me was the church aisle.  But I knew someone was there.  I could feel the softest touch on my shoulder.  I raised my head and suddenly I saw three angelic beings.  One was kneeling in front of me.  His head bowed but his white blonde hair completely visible.  The other two were standing on either side of me.  Their heads also bowed as if in honor.  They were huge warrior looking men.  All three similarly dressed.  All with the same long white blonde hair.  No wings.  No halos.  I didn't feel fear or cry out.  I felt in my spirit that God was allowing me to see something supernatural that day.  I felt like they were there for two reasons:  one to honor a fallen soldier, and two to bring me comfort and to let me know that no matter what I was never alone!  This whole incident happened in seconds.  I didn't tell anyone about it.  I guess I thought they would all think I was crazy.  

I know what I saw that day.  I know what I felt.  Three angels sent just for me so I could know that God had not forgotten me.  It seemed fitting that they should be there.  Rob had several times reminded me that we should always be careful how we treat strangers because we never knew if they were angels or not.  I had worried so much the night he passed away that he was going to be alone when he died.  I felt like they were there to let me know that truly we are NEVER alone.  

I guess in writing about this finally I am saying we should always remember that even in our darkest night God is always there right beside us.  His angels it says in the word watch over us.  I don't put stock into all the angel stories I hear.  I certainly don't talk to my guardian angel or anything crazy, but it is comforting to know that God cares about what happens to me.  It is wonderful to know that when I needed Him the most....He made sure someone was there for me!

Friday, October 3, 2014

How Is Your Hope?

Okay so I overslept on this rainy Friday morning.  So that means Aiden-Rose overslept because I was supposed to wake her up so Daddy could take her to school.  He was out on his morning jog!  Wow was he motivated!  Me, well here I am at 11:00 in the morning with my second cup of coffee growing cold not quite as motivated in one way, but what an AWESOME devotion time I had this morning!

Our church is in the process of going through a "Reach the City" campaign.  (Check it out on the Web sometime...  http://www.reachthecity.com)  We have been challenged by our Pastor (MY FAVORITE PASTOR ever!) to participate in this awesome campaign and to read the book, "A Life that Wins" by Mike Holt.  I have to say it's a great book, and no this isn't a shameless plug for our friends book.  It really is good! (I will say here though for those from our church who may be reading this-Full Life Family DON"T forget to bring your book to our services.  There are fill-ins you are going to want to put in the book!)

For those of you who will actually stop and read this I have to share something that spoke to me today, and sorry Mike it wasn't from your book.  It was from THE BOOK! But your book "A Life That Win's" did spark this Blog!

Intercessory Prayer has become such an important part of our week at Full Life Church.  It's not just something we do on Tuesday.  We stop and pray for the needs of those on our list whenever they come to our thoughts throughout the week too.  I know it can get very discouraging for those who have been praying and praying for a need or a serious issue.  Been there, done that...and have several t-shirts!

When I was praying for a child it looked so hopeless at times. I mean having your husband die well you get my drift.  But I kept pressing on.  Believing more than anything that although GOD may not deliver HIS promise in the time or manner that I thought HE would...that eventually HE would give me the desires of my heart.  And HE did!  Yes...I experienced LOSS in the promise. Three babies I'd rather have here...but who I know are in heaven.  But WOW did GOD do a GREAT thing eventually. An AWESOME son who I am so proud of, and a very SWEET daughter who has me wrapped around her finger. (Daddy too, but don't tell him I said that!)

In my devotion today I read Micah 7:7.  "But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me!"  Did you read that...I watch in HOPE for the LORD! Not for the thing I want or need!  I'm waiting for GOD to show up and DELIVER hope to me and my situation! GOD WILL HEAR ME!  Now that's a promise!

Thinking about this verse brought me back to the darkest time of my life which oddly enough wasn't after the loss of my first love Rob.  (Don't get me wrong that was pretty dark.)  But I'm thinking more of the time I suffered my first miscarriage.  God had restored to me a family.  I had a beautiful home in Jacksonville Florida.  A wonderful Godly husband and a terrific four year old son I didn't even have to suffer labor or morning sickness for!  Still I was believing that God had told me I would have a child.  So how could he allow the promise to come and then take it from me?  For those who remember me during that time, well let's just say I wasn't my usual upbeat happy self.  I was full of sorrow.  How could God allow me to suffer another loss?  What was up?  

It wasn't until HE showed up with HOPE that I began to wait for HIM to SHOW up in my sorrow and NOT for HIM to answer my prayer!  Yup that's what I said!  I remember my son climbing up into my lap, wiping my tears away and saying, "Mommy please don't cry!  God told me we are going to have a baby and it's gonna be a girl!"

A voice of HOPE!  I began to see that there is a whole life to live.  People who care for me.  So many blessings that GOD has already given me.  Yes I still prayed and believed I'd actually have a child one day.  But my prayers were more focused on allowing GOD to love me through my sorrow. Allowing Him to be all that I needed.  I think sometimes we get so focused on getting an answer for our prayers that we don't just stop and rest in the fact that we are HIS kid's.  He wants to bless us!  He wants to give us the desires of our heart.  But He also knows what's up ahead of us.  He has a perfect time to answer your prayers.  He really does have it all under control.

I guess today I am asking you...How is Your Hope?  Are you praying that He will answer that prayer in the way you want HIM too?  Or are you watching and waiting in HOPE for the Lord to show up!  I know that for me it was a scary place to be.  Wondering if He would heal my first husband of cancer. Would I be alone again?  When Rob died I did think my life was over, but I remember digging into the Word of God and letting it SPEAK to me!  Remembering Rob's passion for the Lord I believed that my life wasn't over!  That God did still have plans for me.  When the answer is NO-there is STILL HOPE!

So for those of you who are waiting out there for God to answer or for Him to show up in your situation I say KEEP WATCHING IN HOPE!  (Yes...I'm thinking here of several on our Prayer List...and several friends in Ministry who have been waiting a while for God to hear and answer...) It's COMING!  Just keep waiting and watching with HOPE!  And for our dear friends who have been waiting on a building for their ministry...I just feel so strongly...IT"S coming!

And for those of you wondering how I could ever tie in a plug for the book "A Life That Win's", one of my "hinge" decisions was to start writing again! (Guess you will have to read the book to find out what a "hinge decision" is!)

Blessings ~ Gina