Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Huddle Time #8-

When to Say No, and when to Say Yes!

So yesterday was a day!  First it was Sunday and one of the busiest days of our week.  I honestly have no fun thing to do with your family this week.  But I do want to share something that happened to me yesterday.  I said Yes, to way to many things.  I said Yes to working in the Church nursery on a Sunday morning, when I know my husband wants me in the service with him.  I said Yes to teaching Sunday School for the adult class....which I have to say was an AMAZING CLASS!  And I loved every minute of it.  The sad thing is I say Yes to much in life. 

My son is acting in a local theatre production and has practices every Sunday.  Yesterday was no exception.  After getting him some lunch we dropped him off at the church, and came home.  It was a great day for a nap.  Raining, overcast just a great day to rest and enjoy.  I wanted to just take time for me, and you know what it would have been okay if I had.  I could have read that book, or written that letter or taken that nap.  The more I thought of my daughter downstairs watching TV the more I realized I had said Yes to everyone was TIME to SAY YES to her.  Sure I spend time with her, watching TV, taking her to dance, and doing other things, but what about just taking a rainy Sunday and spending time with her? 

That's what we did.  I found a "Once Upon a Time" scrapbook I had purchased years ago for her, with every intention of writing her her own fairy tale.  I got out all of my scrapbooking supplies and we spent hours creating a story together.  We had NCIS on at first, because don't we all secretly LOVE Gibbs?  We also saw Cupcake Wars, and David Tutera The Wedding Planner!  Okay, so we didn't really watch them we just had them on for noise!  Don't tell me you have never done that?  The neat thing is, we still aren't done with our project!  Yup...the clutter from it is still all over the dining room table!  But we'll finish today...after all today I have learned to say NO to things!  Today...the kids are out of school...the sun is shining...and I am saying YES to spending time with my TWO favorite kids! 

Don't always SAY YES!  It's okay to look at people in love and occasionally say, "NO I am sorry, I can't do that...".  Oh...and if you have an urge to do something creative with your kids!  DO IT!  Just say YES!

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