Friday, April 12, 2013

Once Choice Away

     So it was spring break here in the Atlanta, Georgia area, and like so many others we took a trip south to Florida.  We love heading back to what most of us consider our "home" state.  I say that because three of the four of us were born in the Sunshine state, I was born in Maine.  I was looking forward to our trip to the beach. It came on a great day, not too hot at all.  However before we could get there, and here's the part I don't really want to admit too, my husband and I had a fight.  He said some things, I said some things and to be honest I don't really even remember what it was all about.  All I know is that I decided I wasn't going to talk to him.  So I didn't.  I sat on that beautiful beach, and didn't say a word.  I just fumed inside.  I thought of all kinds of things I wanted to say, I held onto every grudge I could think of, and well I made myself miserable.

    Finally he asked me if I wanted to walk on the beach. At last I thought, here is where he apologizes profusely for being such a jerk and begs my forgiveness.   We walked in silence and I fumed even more.  I began to think things like, "This is a perfectly romantic thing to do, walking on a beach, and I all I want to do is yell at him and run away!"  And, "Wow, I didn't realize he could go this long with out speaking!"  (Sorry honey, just had to say that!) As we were nearing the car and our children, he stopped me finally and began to ask what the matter was.  Our conversation got pretty heated as we went over the stupid argument we had, but finally we were laughing and joking and yes, making up.

     I didn't want to make up before he made me start talking.  I wanted to be angry with him for a long time!. I wanted to yell, scream and well, I wanted to just walk away.  It was in the car on the way home that I remembered a conversation I had with someone almost 14 years ago now.  We were discussing his "fall" back into sin, and the beginning of some extremely tough times for him.  He told me then it was just one bad choice he made that created a huge mess.  He went on to say, we are all just one choice away from making a bad decision, from taking a plunge into hard times.  Isn't it the truth?

     I mean I know life is hard, and things happen to make us want to quit.  Quit on life, on our marriages, even on our friendships, jobs, you name it!  But God has said in His word to Choose Life!  It's found in Deuteronomy, yeah I know who really likes reading Deuteronomy?  But there it is, Deuteronomy 30:19. "This day I call the heaven and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now Choose Life, so that you and your children may live." 

     Every day is a choice.  A choice to live with God's love and favor, a choice to be happy, to live on, and to fight for what's really important.  My friend made a bad choice, but he's learned to forgive himself and to pick up and go on with God.  In the past four years I have had three friends choose another path-suicide. It breaks my heart that they came to a place where they just gave up, they didn't choose life.  They allowed the cares of this world to wear them down, and discourage them. I wish I could have been there for them.  I wish they were something I could have said or done to change their mind, to help them see that there is so much to live for.  Yes, we make bad choices and we have consequences we must face but with God-well-all things are possible!  He gives us strength to face another day when we feel like giving up.  He is our Father, and His plans for us are good ones.  We have to put our trust in Him everyday, choosing this life He has blessed us with and knowing in our hearts that He holds our hands as we walk the path He has placed us on.

    That day on the beach I could have chosen to stay angry with my husband for a very long time.  I could have allowed bitterness to creep into my heart, and not forgiven him for words that were said and if I had, it would have been the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life.  So I encourage you with this, be careful when you make a decision-your choices determine your destiny.  If we are not careful, or if we make a choice in anger we could be just one choice away from making the biggest mistake of our life. 

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